- 研究成果のポイント
- プラズモン構造体の光熱効果によるマイクロバブルが生じると、溶液中のリポソームが熱対流によりバブルに吸い寄せられるとともに、リポソーム同士が融合する現象を発見
- 形成したリポソームチューブは光照射の間、熱泳動の影響により流動し続けることがわかった
- リポソームは内包薬物を放出することなく、チューブ状に膜融合することがわかった
- Generation of Ultralong Liposome Tubes by Membrane Fusion beneath a Laser-Induced Microbubble on Gold Surfaces
- Chiaki Kojima, Akemi Noguchi, Tatsuya Nagai, Ken-ichi Yuyama, Sho Fujii, Kosei Ueno, Nobuaki Oyamada, Kei Murakoshi, Tatsuya Shoji and Yasuyuki Tsuboi*
- ACS Omega, 7 (2022), 13120-13127.
- DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.2c00553
Membrane fusion (MF) is one of the most important and ubiquitous processes in living organisms. In this study, we developed a novel method for MF of liposomes. Our method is based on laser-induced bubble generation on gold surfaces (a plasmonic nanostructure or a flat film). It is a simple and quick process that takes about 1 min. Upon bubble generation, liposomes not only collect and become trapped but also fuse to form long tubes beneath the bubble. Moreover, during laser irradiation, these long tubes remain stable and move with a waving motion while continuing to grow, resulting in the creation of ultralong tubes with lengths of about 50 μm. It should be noted that the morphology of these ultralong tubes is analogous to that of a sea anemone. The behavior of the tubes was also monitored by fluorescence microscopy. The generation of these ultralong tubes is discussed on the basis of Marangoni convection and thermophoresis.