- “Plasmon-Based Optical Trapping of Polymer Nano-Spheres as Explored by Confocal Fluorescence Microspectroscopy: A Possible Mechanism of a Resonant Excitation Effect
“ - 北海道大学 札幌キャンパス(北海道)
- 国内 招待講演
- 第75回 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会
タグ: 2014
(Feb. 27-28, 2014) International workshop on the fabrication and application of microstructured optical devices
- “Plasmon-enhanced optical trapping of hard and soft nanomaterials
“ - 慶應義塾大学 日吉キャンパス(神奈川県)
- Invited Oral Presentation
- International workshop on the fabrication and application of microstructured optical devices